Regalex Fresh Foods

Leading suppliers of fresh and ready prepared produce to the caterer.

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TomatosWe take our responsibilities to our suppliers, customers, staff and ultimately the environment very seriously. We recycle approximately 85% of our waste, having in our early days sent somewhere in the region of 2 tons per week to landfill, we realised it was time to look for an alternative solution to the way we dealt with our waste, as a result we send all of our cardboard and paper for recycling, our food waste is segregated and sent away for gas production and composting.

The only waste we now send to landfill is a small amount of wooden packaging, and some light grade plastic bags and pallet wrap. If you have any commercial use for such items - please contact us, we would be intersted in working together with you.
Regalex Fresh Foods aim to reduce food miles by using wherever possible - locally sourced produce. We believe that by operating in such a rich arable area we should take advantage of what is naturally available close by. We use always local suppliers and contractors wherever possible.